Some thoughts, and a gift from me to you

22:40 Nadine 2 Comments

Hi everyone! Now that the winter is well and truly upon us I've been doing some thinking about reinvention. We usually associate reinvention and rejuvenation with spring, we see nature reborn and we feel motivated to do the same with ourselves. But you see, I don't think I can wait until the spring.

It often seems that the only thing standing in my way when it comes to reinvention is myself, and as such, I want to do it RIGHT NOW! I have let too many things get in my way lately, and it is time for me to be selfish and make things happen for myself. I have to start with my immediate surroundings, my body, my home, and my mind. I think all three of those things play off each other, tidy home, tidy mind, extra gym motivation, right?! I'll probably be posting more about this as I make a feeble attempt at clean eating and regular exercise until Christmas (apart from special occasions of course!), so I hope that's something some of you would be interested in! 

As for the gift, you might know that I've started up an Etsy shop recently to see if there would be an interest in buying some things that I make. I've started to share some of the hand lettering I've been trying out on there, which you can buy as posters, but I also thought this particular slogan would make a nice background on a smartphone! So if you would like to download it for free, click the link below and right click image etc. Hopefully it will help you feel as motivated as I do!

Download as phone wallpaper here.
Purchase as poster here.